START is dedicated to working with graduate students and junior scholars in the behavioral and social sciences who are interested in issues related to terrorism and providing them with professional development opportunities.
The Terrorism Research Award (TRA) (formerly known as the START Pre- and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program) ran from 2005-2016 and was available to graduate students and to scholars who completed a PhD program within the previous five years. Those selected as TRA winners received $5,000 in funds to dedicate towards research expenses and professional development experiences to support their work in the area of terrorism studies. Awardees participated in monthly webinars to present their research and solicit feedback from their peers during the research process. Additionally, TRA recipients presented their finalized research at STARTs Annual Meeting after their award year concluded.
Each TRA recipient worked closely with an individual mentor drawn from the START research consortium. Mentors involved TRAs in their own START-related research, supervised TRA recipients’ research, and helped develop plans for using the award to advance TRA recipients’ educational and research goals. This award is not currently available.